I’ve been thinking of character development recently.
When I start a book it’s most often a scene that comes to me first. Sometimes that scene is used and sometimes it’s not. But the characters in that scene often have secrets, and often I don’t know what those secrets are until page 100 or 200. The important question for to ask is then “Why?”.
You ask that question like a three year-old would ask it. You ask it until you’ve gotten down to the deepest darkest secrets and still sometimes your characters have the ability to surprise you.
Characters are just like real people they are not meant to be cardboard cutouts, or stereotypes. You want the reader to identify with them, and if not, then to understand what drives them, what makes them tic.
Every character has a facade they present to the world. It’s your job as the author, to make your reader to want to see below the surface. By offering tidbits of information, whether it be an abnormal response to the physical or a moment of illogical fear.
So, I ask you now, who is your favorite character?